Head shot of Kendra Bell, a 30 year old woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a green dress, smiling.

Kendra Bell is an aspiring, middle-grade author-illustrator and an active member of SCWBI. Her work has placed in Write Mentor, Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things, Fall Frenzy, 50 Precious Words and Global Comix. She graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in Creative Writing and a Masters in Teaching.

Her favorite part of teaching 2nd grade was reading a book out loud and hearing the entire classroom moan when she closed it. Now she splashes through puddles with her toddler and helps her husband run an electrical business. She is a Seattle native but currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Lord, let me love this world into being…

Take these my small offerings:

my pen,

my paper,

my words,

my willingness

to be still and present.

Fill my imagination.

Be to me both fire and wonder,

inspiration and guide…

Lord, let me love the reader,

ever writing for their good.

-A Liturgy for Fiction Writers